5 Tips to Form a Better Morning Routine

A daily morning routine is a set of actions to get you in a positive mindset and jumpstart your days. Scientific research has shown that a strong morning routine can have psychological and physical benefits. It can help to increase happiness, feel less groggy, boost productivity, and improve overall performance.


Here are 5 healthy habits you should consider incorporating into your morning routines:

  1. Make Your Bed: research shows that making your bed every morning will put you in the right state-of-mind and spark productivity. It’s a small task that’ll give you a feeling of accomplishment and will encourage you to achieve more tasks and keep the momentum going for the rest of your day.
  2. Drink Water: drinking water in the morning has a plethora of health benefits – from rehydrating your body, boosting your metabolism, increasing oxygen to your brain,  and many more. You can also squeeze in some lemon juice for a detox and an added boost in digestion.
  3. Try Not to Reach for Your Phone: aimlessly scrolling through your social media feeds, checking your bank balances, looking at news notifications, or being bombarded with unanswered messages first thing in the morning can inadvertently lead to increased stress and anxiety that carry throughout your day. Try to delay checking your phones in the morning and you might find yourself to be happier and more at peace.
  4. Stretch: you don’t need to do a whole yoga routine, but a short morning stretch can make a huge difference in the way your body feels. Stretching helps loosen and wake up your tired muscles, increases blood flow, and improves your mobility and flexibility.
  5. Plan out Your Day: get into the habit of mentally or physically writing down a mapped-out plan of how you want your day to go, including: short or long-term goals you want to achieve, any errands or work tasks you must accomplish, grocery or shopping lists, etc. This is a great way to get organized and boost your productivity levels. It’ll also enable you to better prioritize your time and make it easier for you to focus and navigate through all your tasks.